Get Connected - April 13th

Our Get Connected Class will take place in The Ranch House starting at 11:30am and will last about an hour. Following the class we will have lunch where you can meet some of our staff and elders!

If you have kids you will be able to check them in like normal, just let them know you are coming to the Get Connected Class so they are aware they have them for 2 services (that is with you checking them in for the 10am for you to attend service). After class is over and before lunch begins we will release you to go pick them up.
Person 1

Person 2




Our Get Connected Class will take place in The Ranch House starting at 11:30am and will last about an hour. Following the class we will have lunch where you can meet some of our staff and elders!

If you have kids you will be able to check them in like normal, just let them know you are coming to the Get Connected Class so they are aware they have them for 2 services (that is with you checking them in for the 10am for you to attend service). After class is over and before lunch begins we will release you to go pick them up.