Wild West Youth Playday Auction Item Donation

Wild West Youth Playday Auction Item Donation
Event Date: October 5th

Thank you for donating an AUCTION ITEM for our Wild West Youth Playday. Your investment in our community is very much appreciated! All items are to be received by September 27th. Please complete this form to be included with your item. Should you have any questions, please call the church office at 281-259-5802.
Magnolia Cowboy Church
Attn: Wild West Youth Playday
23245 Glenmont Estates Blvd.
Magnolia, TX 77355


Wild West Youth Playday Auction Item Donation
Event Date: October 5th

Thank you for donating an AUCTION ITEM for our Wild West Youth Playday. Your investment in our community is very much appreciated! All items are to be received by September 27th. Please complete this form to be included with your item. Should you have any questions, please call the church office at 281-259-5802.
Magnolia Cowboy Church
Attn: Wild West Youth Playday
23245 Glenmont Estates Blvd.
Magnolia, TX 77355